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Datex Ohmeda Compatible Direct-Connect SpO2 Sensor

SKU S410-090

This direct-connect spO2 sensor is available for use with Datex Ohmeda: AS/3, AS/3 Compact, Aespire, Aespire 15, CG/2S, CH-RS, CH/2S, CH/S, CS/3, CS/5, CS/5 Compact, Capnomac Ultima, Cardiocap I, Cardiocap II, Cardiocap/5, Light Monitor, M-ESTP, M-ESTPR, M-NESTPR, M-PRESTN, OSP-200, Oscar II, Satellite, Satellite Plus II, Satellite Trans, System 5, Trans Plus, ULTS00, ULTSIO, ULTSVI, ULTSVO.